Monday 15 October 2012


AN OPEN LETTER TO ELGON 'MAFIAS' & JEMEDARIs A.K.A 4TH MARCH 2013 POLL ASPIRANTS It is with tears that I am writing; I do not want to remember the horror that engulfed our beautiful motherland the other day. I forgave those of you who actively participated on behalf of my late sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers...they tell me it was too soon for them to leave us; that even though, they are happier wherever they are for reasons only known to them. I have heard from your emissaries that you don like it very much every time we pester you with 'peace-preaching' gestures. Time & again, I have reminded them that unless you begin an 'homestretch' and preach peace back at our villages, I will not vote for you! Unless you mean what you say and boldly denounce your opponents whose utterances are meant to incite, divide and disorganize our community, I will campaign against you by hook or crook! You must also bear in mind that cowed and cajoled we are never going to be. We've known your true colours over the years, studied your moves and weighed you appropriately. As such, this minute, I must offer you my most stupid advice: I see you can make an excellent militia; perhaps an African exceptional Commando! Armed with your careless whispers carrying with it a tinge of blood, better head to Somalia and join Al-Shabab, or still, join our celebrated army and do away with the enemy once and for all! If you are truthful & genuine, immediately after reading this letter, I want you to write a 1000-word essay on peace, harmony, love and stability for our community. I want you moreover to walk the talk as from tomorrow morning; go back home, get the people to sit down, reason together, speak your mind, let them realize the essence of living a descent & a peaceful life & then afterwards, when they are settled and the reality has dawned on them; ask them to vote for you! ©2012 C. C. Levi

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